Bylaws of the Council of University of California Faculty Associations

Last Amended November 30, 2001


The name of this organization, referred to as "Council" in these Bylaws, is Council of University of California Faculty Associations.


Section 1. The Council shall have as its general objectives: to further the professional and scholarly values held by the faculty of the University of California, to protect those privileges and responsibilities traditionally reserved to the faculty for the purpose of maintaining and improving the academic quality of the University, to support the principles of University governance embodied in the Academic Senate, and to improve the economic status and general welfare of the faculty.

Section 2. The Council shall serve as a coordinating and service agency for the several individual Faculty Associations on separate campuses of the University and will represent them to all state- or university-wide agencies on issues of common concern. It will gather and disseminate information on issues before the legislative and executive branches of California's government, other relevant state units dealing with higher education, the University administration, and the Board of Regents. It will monitor and may attempt to influence any pending legislation authorizing public employee collective bargaining so as to assure members of the faculty the right of self-determination on each separate campus. Whenever the Council takes a position with an outside body (e.g. the Office of the President of the University or the Legislature) on an issue on which as least one Association has dissented, the lack of unanimity will be indicated in the presentation. (Amended 5/24/96)

Section 3. The Council shall also encourage and assist the development of Faculty Associations on the campuses where they do not exist, and, on request, provide organization assistance to existing Faculty Associations.

Section 4. Nothing in these Bylaws is intended to pre-empt, preclude, or in any way interfere with the actions of any individual Faculty Association in dealing with faculty interests on it particular campus, or to preclude any Faculty Association from taking positions on statewide issues. The Council will not take a position on issues pertinent only to a particular campus unless requested to do so by the Faculty Association of that particular campus.

Section 5. The Council shall carry out its functions independent of the activities of the Academic Senate, its Divisions and its Committees, and shall make use of none of the resources or facilities of the Academic Senate.


Section 1. Membership in the Council is open to any Faculty Association on a campus of the University of California which subscribes to the objectives and purposes of the Council and which accepts the principle that membership should, in general, correspond to membership in the Academic Senate, provided that no Association will be admitted to regular membership in the Council unless its active membership constitutes at least 10% of the active members in its campus Division of the Academic Senate. The Executive Board shall determine whether an Association seeking membership in the Council satisfies these requirements. (Amended 5/24/96)

Section 2. The Executive Board may designate as an affiliate member an Association which has not reached the 10% requirement of Section 1 above. As soon as such an Association attains its minimum membership number it may be admitted to regular membership in the Council. (Amended 5/24/96)


Section 1. Each Association admitted to regular or affiliate membership shall pay monthly dues to the Council as assessed by the Executive Board as specified in Article VI, Section 3. (Amended 10/1/76, 5/24/96)

Section 2. Additional payments by the Association may be required from time to time to support the Council, but such assessments shall only be imposed as specified in Article VI, Section 3, and shall in every case be based upon the size of the membership of the Associations (except Emeriti) composing the Council. (Amended 5/24/96)

Section 3. Any Association which is delinquent by more than three months in the payment of dues to the Council shall thereby cease to be in good standing and shall be restored to good standing only by action of the Executive Board of the Council. (Amended 5/25/96)

Section 4. In the event of dissolution of the Council, after payment of all outstanding debts or liabilities, any remaining assets shall be distributed among the member Associations in proportion to their respective membership.


Section 1. The activities of the Council shall be under the general supervision of an Executive Board consisting of delegates from each Faculty Association admitted to regular membership in the Council. These delegates will be selected in such manner and for such terms as determined by each individual Association and shall represent that Association on all matters determined by the Board.

Section 2. Each Association shall be entitled to at least one delegate. Associations having more than 200 members shall be entitled to one additional delegate for each additional 200 members. Each Association shall have the authority to determine the allocation of votes among its delegates.

Section 3. The officers of the Council shall be a President, a Vice President, a Vice President-Health Sciences, Secretary, and a Treasurer. The Executive Board shall have the authority to combine the offices of Secretary and Treasurer. In June, Council officers shall be elected from within the ranks of the then-sitting Executive Board for one-year terms beginning July 1. An officer may serve any number of consecutive terms. The affected Faculty Associations may name replacements for any Association Board delegates who subsequently become Council officers. (Amended 11/30/01)

Section 4. The officers of the Council shall be elected by per-Association vote of the Board. They may be removed from office, during a term, upon a majority vote of the Board both per capita and per Association.


Section 1. The Executive Board shall act as the governing body of the Council. Voting on the Executive Board shall be either per capita or per Association. If the voting is per capita the delegates representing each Association shall be entitled to cast a number of votes equal to the number of members of the Association, determined on the basis of the per capita dues paid to the Council for the prior month. If the voting is by Association, each Association shall cast one vote. Officers who are not also Board delegates from a constituent Association may speak to motions that are before the Board, but do not have the right to vote. (Amended 11/30/01)

Section 2. The business of the Board may be conducted at meetings or by mail, provided that a meeting of the Board shall be held at least once each year and shall be called whenever requested by a majority of the Board voting per Association.

Section 3. The Council may adopt policies and programs only if such policies or programs are approved by a majority of the Board voting both per capita and per Association. For the purposes of Article VI a majority shall be defined as a majority of those casting a ballot of Aye, Nay or Abstain within ten days of due notice of an intent to take a vote on an issue, with no fewer than three Associations voting Aye. (Amended 5/24/96)

Section 4. The President shall preside over meetings of the Executive Board, shall issue the call for such meetings, and shall supervise the administration of the Council's programs.

Section 5. The Vice President shall assist the President in the supervision of the general program of the Council and shall act in the President's stead at all meetings which the president is unable to attend. The Vice President -- Health Sciences shall coordinate Faculty Association activities on the UC medical school campuses. (Amended 11/30/01)

Section 6. The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping the records of the Council, for preparing a record of meetings of the Executive Board, and for issuing notice of the call to meetings when instructed to do so by the President.

Section 7. The Treasurer shall serve as the custodian of Council funds and shall be responsible for keeping these funds in a suitable depository, for keeping the Council financial statement up to date at all times and for making it available to the members of the Council upon request. The Treasurer shall prepare a financial report for distribution to the members of the Council at least once a year. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the disbursing of funds of the Council as authorized by the Executive Board.

Section 8. Members of the Board shall perform such other functions as the Board may determine. The Board may establish such committees as circumstances require.

Section 9. The Board shall employ such staff as is necessary for the effective functioning of the Council. The staff will operate under the direction of the Executive Board.


These Bylaws may be amended by a majority of the Executive Board voting both per Association and per capita.


These Bylaws have been agreed to by representatives of the Faculty Associations at Berkeley, Los Angeles, Riverside, and Santa Cruz, meeting at Berkeley, California on September 10, 1975.