Dear Colleagues:
On Thursday, March 13th, at 6pm, the Council of UC Faculty Associations (CUCFA) will hold a town hall on the ongoing threats to federal research funding, the state’s current proposal to cut a further 8% from the UC system, and the concomitant uncertainty pertaining to the provision of graduate and undergraduate student financial support. At this meeting, a CUCFA representative will describe CUCFA’s recent lobbying efforts with UC-AFT and UAW at the California state government level and AAUP’s work on the federal level to combat the Trump administration’s assaults on higher education.
In addition, faculty members from several UCs will describe the immediate disruptions that the proposed cuts have caused on their campuses and in their labs.
Organizers will then open space to discuss a new statewide CUCFA working group on this issue, in which interested faculty can participate.
The meeting will conclude with steps that individual faculty can take right now to prepare and organize a collective response to the ongoing attacks on higher education and academic freedom.
Please join to help shape the discussion and plans.
Who: All UC Senate Faculty
What: CUCFA Statewide Town Hall on threats to Federal Funding
When: Thursday, March 13th, 6pm
Where: Zoom (please register in advance)
In Solidarity,
The CUCFA Statewide Organizing Committee